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The C.G. Jung House in Küsnacht

The house where Carl Gustav Jung et Emma Jung Rauschenbach lived in Küsnacht has been partly transformed into a museum. The surrounding gardens can also be visited (by appointment only).

Read Rachel Huber’s and Bernard Hort’s impressions of their visit to the home of Emma and Carl Gustav Jung.

The Foundation C.G. Jung Küsnacht

The Carl Gustav and Emma Jung-Rauschenbach Museum is managed by the Foundation C.G. Jung Küsnacht. It was established in 2002 with the goal of keeping the memory alive of C.G. Jung and his wife and associate, Emma Jung-Rauschenbach (1882-1955). The Foundation aims to document their life, work and living environment, and to participate in advancing and further developing Jungian psychology.

Visit the Foundation’s website, where you can find a list of their members, contact details, a contact form, media resources, and links to other related websites.

Visit the C.G. Jung House:

The Foundation has also published a book: The House of C.G. Jung, available in English and German.

Photos and quotes

« But my family, and the knowledge: I have a medical diploma from a Swiss university, I must help my patients, I have a wife and five children, I live at 228 Seestrasse in Küsnacht – these were actualities which made demands upon me and proved to me again and again that I really existed, that I was not a blank page whirling about in the winds of the sprit … »

Memories, Dreams, Reflections, by C.G. Jung, p. 189.

The C.G. Jung House is located at 228 Seestrasse in Küsnacht, on Lake Zurich.

Jung had a Latin inscription carved above the door to his house: « Called or not called, God is present« .

On the left: the beach in Küsnacht, with the C.G. Jung house at the end of the beach (partly hidden by vegetation).
On the right: the lake photographed from the same viewpoint, but in the opposite direction.

See also the page on Küsnacht in Switzerland: C.G. Jung Institute Zurich in Küsnacht, Foundation for Jungian Psychology, Protestant Church, and tombs of C.G. Jung, B. Hannah, and M.L. von Franz.


Living places of C.G. Jung

The House of C.G. Jung

The C.G. Jung tower in Bollingen

Map of Switzerland and information

Bollingen in Switzerland

Laufen in switzerland

Kesswil in Switzerland

Küsnacht in Switzerland

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