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Jungian Psychology Space (JPS)

Jungian Psychology Space (JPS) is dedicated to the work founded by Carl Gustav Jung and known under the following names: analytical psychology, Jungian psychology, Jungian depth psychology, and Jungian analysis.

The intention of the website is to provide a bridge between the anglophone and francophone Jungian communities in the world.

Espace Francophone Jungien (EFJ)

JPS is an integral part of the platform Espace Francophone Jungien, created by Jean-Pierre Robert in 1998 and hosted under the domain name cgjung.net.

JPS contains part of the EFJ’s francophone content that has been translated into English. In addition, it contains anglophone articles, whose French translations have been published on the francophone mother site.

Both anglophone and francophone parts of the site are managed by the French association Espace Francophone Jungien.

Mission statement

Spreading Jungian Thought

The platform’s goal is to make Carl Gustav Jung’s ideas accessible to all, from beginners and enthusiasts to scholarly and clinical experts.

JPS explores and presents living Jungian thought and contemporary developments through articles, book reviews, interviews, testimonials, and more.

The style and form of the content vary depending on the topics covered and the diverse backgrounds of the many Jungian contributors and authors. This diversity allows each reader or visitor, regardless of personality type, to find personal interest and reliable resources.

Core Values

The editorial approach of JPS is grounded in the following values:

  • Acknowledging and exploring the unconscious: recognizing the central role of the unconscious in the psyche and its significance in understanding human experience.
  • The importance of meaning for the individual: supporting the personal search for meaning and the process of individuation, both of which are foundational to Jungian psychology.
  • Cultural and symbolic openness: honoring and respecting the diversity of human experiences and psychologies, valuing the richness of cultural and symbolic expressions.
  • Empowering marginalized resources: giving voice to ideas and perspectives that may not always find space in mainstream discourse, ensuring that marginalized viewpoints are heard and valued.

History and evolution of EFJ and JPS


The French-language website cgjung.net was launched in March 1998 and was created by Jean-Pierre Robert, who has overseen its development ever since.


At the beginning of 2019, the purpose of the website was defined, with the concept of space suggested by Chantal Armouet. In May, the association Espace Francophone Jungien (EFJ) was co-founded by Ariane and François-Marie Callot, Chantal Armouet, and Jean-Pierre Robert to manage the website and its activities.

In July 2021, the English-language site Jungian Psychology Space (JPS) was launched, with key contributions and translations by Peggy Vermeesch, who now oversees its ongoing operations.

The editorial team

In 2024, the team expanded, and the continued smooth running of EFJ is now ensured by Ariane Callot, Claire Droin, Cécile Gatille, Rachel Huber, Peggy Vermeesch, and Jean-Pierre Robert.

Among their many tasks, they handle the selection of content for publication, proofreading, and external relations. Individually, they also write articles, provide translations, and conduct interviews.


New content is continuously being published. The latest updates on the site can be tracked on this page or by subscribing to the site’s newsletter.


Independence of the site

JPS is independent from any other Jungian associations or societies. Exchanges with anyone who shares the same objectifs are welcomed.

Commitment to an open access, ad-free experience

JPS offers all of its content free of charge, without advertisements or the use of personal data from its users. Both the authors and the editorial team contribute on a voluntary basis.

Authors and editors

Numerous links have been established with authors and/or editors. Those who wish to contribute to the site may initiate contact using the online form or by sending a message at jps@cgjung.net.

Social media, forums, and groups

Despite being active on Facebook and LinkedIn, JPS does not participate in the management of forums or discussion groups.

Conformity and confidentiality

Host and graphics design

The website Jungian Psychology Space, under www.cgjung.net/en/, is hosted by the society OVH at ROUBAIX (France).

Layout and graphics are in line with internet standards and have been stripped down in order to allow the largest number of people to access the information without difficulty.

Data protection

cgjung.net uses Google Analytics. This service helps to identify the most sought-after content as well as any potential technical problems. 

When accessing the site for the first time, a banner appears on top of the page that is being viewed. By continuing to browse, authorization is given to the audience tracking tool.

Intellectual property

All graphical elements or original articles (general structure as well as content of documents, graphics design, text, images, …) and any other elements that make up the site are protected by copyright according to the articles L. 111-1 and following, from the French Intellectual Property Code.

Responsible use of AI

Artificial Intelligence tools have become indispensable and ubiquitous. They are used in moderation, primarily for creating illustrations or assisting with proofreading and translations, but never to generate original content.


Espace Francophone Jungien

French association, with R.N.A. identification: W642005589
Siret code: 87778744000016
APE code: 94.99Z

Address: 4, place au Bois, 65000 TARBES (France)

For any questions or suggestions, please contact Bilingual Content Editor Peggy VERMEESCH through our online form or by email at jps@cgjung.net.

Thank you for your interest in Jungian Psychology Space!

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